
gtools uses compiled C code internally to achieve its speed improvements. While the package comes with pre-compiled binaries, compiling the plugin yourself may be necessary on some platforms. Further, some support for parallel processing can be implemented at compile time if the OpenMP library is available in your system. See below for a list of functions with OpenMP support at compile time. (Parallel execution has not been optimized; YMMV.)

Compiling the plugin yourself can also lead to further speed improvements because the optimization flags used by different compilers vary on different hardware and operating systems. In the Linux server where I use Stata, a locally compiled plugin ran 20-50% faster (again, YMMV).



Install the newest version of gcc to get the most out of compiling the plugin locally.

The requirements are slightly different from system to system:

  • Linux: git, make, gcc (available from your distribution's repository).
  • OSX: git, make, clang (available via brew or xcode).
  • Windows: git and Cygwin with make, binutils, gcc-core, mingw64-x86_64-gcc-core (you will have the option to select these packages during the Cygwin installation).

The following are also required, but copies are provided in the repository:


On Linux and OSX, open any terminal; on Windows, open specifically the Cygwin terminal. Then run

git clone
cd stata-gtools
git submodule update --init --recursive

# Stata 14.1 and later
make clean SPI=3.0 SPIVER=v3
make all   SPI=3.0 SPIVER=v3

# Parallel support
make clean SPI=3.0 SPIVER=v3
make all   SPI=3.0 SPIVER=v3 GTOOLSOMP=1

# Stata 14.0 and earlier
make clean SPI=2.0 SPIVER=v2
make all   SPI=2.0 SPIVER=v2

Parallel Support

Portions of these functions internals are executed in parallel if you compile gtools with OpenMP support (GTOOLSOMP flag):

  • gstats hdfe
  • gregress
  • givregress
  • gglm

Unit tests

From a stata session, run

do build/

(Note this can take several hours.) If successful, all tests should report to be passing and the exit message should be "tests finished running" followed by the start and end time.


I test the builds using Github Workflows and Appveyor; if both builds are passing and you can't get them to compile, it is likely because you have not installed all the requisite dependencies. For Cygwin in particular, see ./src/plugin/gtools.h for all the include statements and check if you have any missing libraries.

Loading the plugin is a bit trickier. Historically, the plugin has failed on some windows systems and some legacy Linux systems. If this happens please submit a bug report. The Linux issue is largely due to versioning. That is, while the functions I use should be available on most systems, the package versions are too recent for some systems.

Other than that, as best I can tell, all will be fine as long as you use the MinGW version of gcc. That is, x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc instead of gcc in cygwin for the plugin.