
Efficiently report number(s) of distinct observations or values.

gdistinct is a faster alternative to distinct. It displays the number of distinct observations with respect to the variables in varlist. By default, each variable is considered separately (excluding missing values) so that the number of distinct observations for each variable is reported and in this case the results are stored in a matrix.

The number of distinct observations is the same as the number of distinct values. Optionally, variables can be considered jointly so that the number of distinct groups defined by the values of variables in varlist is reported.


Run gtools, upgrade to update gtools to the latest stable version.


This is a fast option to the user command distinct, additionally storing the results in a matrix.

gdistinct [varlist] [if] [in] [, ///
    missing abbrev(#) joint minimum(#) maximum(#) ]


  • missing specifies that missing values are to be included in counting distinct observations.

  • abbrev(#) specifies that variable names are to be displayed abbreviated to at most # characters. This option has no effect with joint.

  • joint specifies that distinctness is to be determined jointly for the variables in varlist.

  • minimum(#) specifies that numbers of distinct values are to be displayed only if they are equal to or greater than a specified minimum.

  • maximum(#) specifies that numbers of distinct values are to be displayed only if they are less than or equal to a specified maximum.

  • sort(order) specifies the sort order of the output. May be alpha (alphabetical by variable name), distinct (number of distinct values), or total (number of non-missing values, unless option missing is specified). Optionally prepend a negative sign to sort in descending order. Tie-breaks are resolved arbitrarily. This is ignored with option joint.

Gtools options

(Note: These are common to every gtools command.)

  • compress Try to compress strL to str#. The Stata Plugin Interface has only limited support for strL variables. In Stata 13 and earlier (version 2.0) there is no support, and in Stata 14 and later (version 3.0) there is read-only support. The user can try to compress strL variables using this option.

  • forcestrl Skip binary variable check and force gtools to read strL variables (14 and above only). Gtools gives incorrect results when there is binary data in strL variables. This option was included because on some windows systems Stata detects binary data even when there is none. Only use this option if you are sure you do not have binary data in your strL variables.

  • verbose prints some useful debugging info to the console.

  • benchmark or bench(level) prints how long in seconds various parts of the program take to execute. Level 1 is the same as benchmark. Levels 2 and 3 additionally prints benchmarks for internal plugin steps.

  • hashmethod(str) Hash method to use. default automagically chooses the algorithm. biject tries to biject the inputs into the natural numbers. spooky hashes the data and then uses the hash.

  • oncollision(str) How to handle collisions. A collision should never happen but just in case it does gtools will try to use native commands. The user can specify it throw an error instead by passing oncollision(error).

Stored results

gdistinct stores the following in r():


    r(ndistinct)    number of groups (last variable or joint)
    r(N)            number of non-missing observations
    r(J)            number of groups
    r(minJ)         largest group size
    r(maxJ)         smallest group size


    r(ndistinct)    number of non-missing observations; one row
                      per variable (default) or per varlist (with
                      option joint)


You can download the raw code for the examples below here

gdistinct can function as a drop-in replacement for distinct.

. sysuse auto, clear
. gdistinct

              |        Observations
              |      total   distinct
         make |        74        74
        price |        74        74
          mpg |        74        21
        rep78 |        69         5
     headroom |        74         8
        trunk |        74        18
       weight |        74        64
       length |        74        47
         turn |        74        18
 displacement |        74        31
   gear_ratio |        74        36
      foreign |        74         2

. matrix list r(distinct)

                     N  Distinct
        make        74        74
       price        74        74
         mpg        74        21
       rep78        69         5
    headroom        74         8
       trunk        74        18
      weight        74        64
      length        74        47
        turn        74        18
displacement        74        31
  gear_ratio        74        36
     foreign        74         2

. gdistinct, sort(-distinct)

              |        Observations
              |      total   distinct
        price |         74         74
         make |         74         74
       weight |         74         64
       length |         74         47
   gear_ratio |         74         36
 displacement |         74         31
          mpg |         74         21
         turn |         74         18
        trunk |         74         18
     headroom |         74          8
        rep78 |         69          5
      foreign |         74          2

. gdistinct, max(10)

              |        Observations
              |      total   distinct
        rep78 |        69         5
     headroom |        74         8
      foreign |        74         2

. gdistinct make-headroom

          |        Observations
          |      total   distinct
     make |        74        74
    price |        74        74
      mpg |        74        21
    rep78 |        69         5
 headroom |        74         8

. gdistinct make-headroom, missing abbrev(6)

        |        Observations
        |      total   distinct
   make |        74        74
  price |        74        74
    mpg |        74        21
  rep78 |        74         6
 head~m |        74         8

. gdistinct foreign rep78, joint

      total   distinct
         69          8

. gdistinct foreign rep78, joint missing

      total   distinct
         74         10


gdistinct was written to mimic the community-contributed command distinct, the latter written by